*Carl Anderson
Johnny Andrews
Ephriam Battle *
Elbert Battle
*John Bell
Melvin Betts
Roger Betts
Robert Bowser
Shirley Branch
Shelby Brown
Feleise Burnett
*Willie C. Burnett
Clarence Burruss
Vernice Burwell
Carlene Cable Barley
Georgetta Ford Battle
Joish Campbell
Leana Langford Campbell
Bettye Lanier Carter
Herbert Cartwright
Charles Childress
Lola Chunn
James Clay
Rosie Kelly Clay
Gladys Collier
Emily Collier Dasher
*Archie Donaldson
Helen King Drake
James Eason
Charles Evans
Leamon Fearn
*Earl Fitcheard
*Willie Friend
Martha McCrary
Gardner Emma Garner
*William Gladys
Cathey Glover
Wilbert Glover
Ethel Ervin Golson
Margaret Hampton
Homer Hardin
John Harris
Larry Harris
Connie Holden
Frank Howard
Barbara Jones Humphrey
Charles Humphrey
John Humphrey
Trudell Stewart James
Lorene Jefferson
*Gregory Johnson
*Carl Jolly
James Jones
*Lewis Jordan
Arizona Rogers Kelley
Johnny King
Patricia King
Eva Smith Kirby
Lillie Langford
Tommie Lemons
Ethel Parks Leslie
*Etta Clemons Malone
Floyd Martin
Sallie Jefferson Martin
Freddie Massey
Barbara Hughes McCrary
Razzie McGahee
Minnie Bone McGinnis
Mattie Miller
Doris Fletcher Mitchell
*Albert Moore
Edyth Stewart Moore
Garner Moore
George Nance
Hassie Brandon Nance
Linda Robinson Nance
Dora Daniel Njigha
Margaret Jordan Nelson
Patricia Johnson Noble
Gearlean Thompson Outlin
Willo Turner Pam
Lenora Scruggs Parkinson
Linda Lightford Pitts
*Johnny Pope
*Shirley Strong Pope
Sherman Ragland
*Roosevelt Readus
Ollie Robinson
Willie Robinson
*Effie Moore Royster
Joyce Nance Sales
Theodore Sales
Clinton Sanders
Tommy Scott
Cynthia Sullivan Shanklin
*Thelma Jones Shuck
*Patricia Toney Smartt
Claude Steele
Robert Steele
*Gwendolyn Stewart
Roosevelt Strong
Leamon Sullivan
Eunice Tibbs
*Gwendolyn Chunn Turner
Willie B. Ervin Turner
Paul Vinson
Lorenzo Ward
Gregory Williams
Sandra Williams
Theresa Handy Woodard
Mr. Charles Lee
Mrs. Dorothy S. Thomas
Mrs. Martha Walker
Mrs. Sandra Stricklin
Class Colors
Canary Yellow and Apple Green
Class Flower
Yellow Carnation
Class Motto
“Spectemur Agenda ~ Let us be seen by our deeds.”