Class Rooster 1954
Maggie Patton Armster
Wiley Acklin
*Leroy Barley
Jimmie Wilson Battle
*Willie B. Battle
*Sully Batts
*Muzette Cooper Baxter
*Bertha Betts
*Leroy Binford
*Theodore Binford
*R. Dean Blackburn
*Amithyne Thomas Blair
*Bobbie Jean Bone
*Darcinia Johnson Bonner
Elma Strong Boykins
Gladys Toney Bransford
Jessie Brazelton
Pearline Langford Brodgen
*Connie Burton
Lucy Brazelton Cowherd
Martha Betts Conley
*Thelma Clay
Rosemary Fowlks Crutcher
Hazel Betts Cunningham
Ada Strong Cynun
Johnnie Davis
Mary Alice Jones Davis
*John Draper
Ola Mae Draper
Pearlie Miller Draper
Millie Townsend Ford
William P. Glover
Dorothy R. Grantham
Howard Griffin
Robert Griffin
Marion Barley Hall
Willie Hall
*Joe L. Hammonds, Jr.
Ferdinand Hammonds
Ned Miller Harris
Trudell Short Hatchett
Nora Bell Walker Hazelriz
*Cleo Holmes Hereford
*Joe House
Jeraldine Tibbs Hyter
*Lihu Jasper
Gladys Cheatum Jefferson
Annie Mae Leslie Johnson
*Earline Bentley Jolly
*Berdia Bradford Jones
Pauline Hammonds Jones
*Donald Gene Kendrick
Roy Lee King
*Margaret Jordan Lane
Charles Langford
*Henry Lanier
Ralph H. Lee
Gerry Littlepage
Amanda Daniel Murphy
James Martin
*Oscar Martin
*James McClellan
*Dave McGlathery
Peggy Strong McGuire
Alberta Miller
Altia Nance Mostille
Clarence Palmer
Joyce Pulley Peoples
Sam Pope
Geraldine Hardin Pruitt
*Flozell Ragland Naylor
*Spencer Patton
*Lawrence B. Ragland
Elnora Copeland Roper
Earnestine Caudle Russell
*Thomas Sales
Ollie B. Hereford Sallings
Ophelia Barnard Scruggs
Miles Shields
*Lucy Wade Simpson
Neal Taylor
Eloise Toney
Mateldia Beasley Toney
*Joe Nathan Ward
*Jane Wilson Yarbrough
Verzelia Hereford Young
Ms. James E. Gurley
Miss Edna Ragland
Class Colors
Lavender and Pink
Class Flower
Class Motto
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live that life which he has imagined, he will meet success unexpectedly, in some common hour”